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Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions we get from prospective students 

If you have any questions or queries on other matters please do not hesitate to contact us through our contact page

You can also get in touch with us through any of our social media channels

How do I join?

When Is Preseason?

You can join the club at any time of the year by contacting us via one of our social pages linked above. You can also join the club face-to-face by finding us at the university's Fresher Fayres during September.

Preseason usually starts on the 5th of September. It is the perfect opportunity for new members to get to know other all the new members as well as the rest of the squad and club. It is also a great time for prospective students to adjust to university life before lectures start up. While recommended it is not essential that you attend preseason if you are unable to make it. 

How Much Is Membership?

A full year racing membership is currently £110. We also offer a social membership for rowers looking to row less competitively but who would still like to get out on the water this is £45 a year. There are options to pay membership both yearly and termly. 

We also offer a Learn To Row (L2R) course for only £10 where students with no previous rowing background can try out rowing in one of our novice squads to decide if rowing is for you!

Fitting In Training With Uni Work?

How Often Do We Race?

All our training is done in the mornings or evenings outside university lecture times. This allows our athletes to have a good work to rowing balance and be able to attend all lectures, no matter what course you are on.

Find out more about training times by looking through our senior men's, senior women's, learn to row and coxing pages.

Depending on weather conditions, SURC aims to attend 10+ local and national race events throughout the year. Notable events include BUCS, Welsh Varsity, WeHORR, HORR, and target both Henley campaigns at the end of the season.

Are Scholarships Available? 

How Often Do We Train?

We look to offer a number of sessions around university lecture times offering at least 2 structured ergs, 2 S&C sessions and 3 water sessions between 2-4 hours each. Alongside this, there is plenty of supplementary training available through the training programmes. 

Scholarships are available through the university for any athlete who represents nationally. Hardship funds and bursaries are also available to students throughout the year in an aim to make the sport more accessible.

How Far Is The Club From The University?

The club is situated in between Singleton and Bay campus and is less than 15 minutes away from each by bike or bus. Car parking is easily accessible with spot right next to the club.

Sweep and/or Sculling?

While we are mainly a sweep club, we have multiple sculling boats that train regularly and race in all events that we attend throughout the season.

What Is Tawe Phoenix Boat Club?

Tawe Phoenix is our alumni club, the club is open to all former members, coaches, supporters who want to continue their connection with SURC and each other. They help to provide financial support for new boats and equipment that contribute to the success of Swansea University Rowing Club. For more information click here.

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